Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hannah Kicks Off the Summer With Lots of Fun!

If Hannah always had her way, (which happens frequently), she would be at the park all the time. She has spent much of June traveling throughout Bergen County trying out all the different types of slides. At the moment her favorite are tunnel slides.Teddy and Hannah hanging out at Sagamore Park (also known as Hannah's Park since it is right down our block)
Hannah just hanging out in her shades!
Eve and Hannah going for a drive at the park
Hannah and Katherine swinging (which means they actually stayed in one place for more than a moment).

The Carrolls 2008 Family Trip

We met Gigi, Papa, Aunt Kim, Uncle Chris, and Livia in Williamsburg , VA in May for a week long of fun. By the end of our first day Hannah was feeling comfortable and invited everyone to dance with her.
Hannah having fun with Mimi and Papa
Hannah and Livia had fun hanging out together.
One of their favorite things to do during the trip was give each other high 5's
Hannah and Livia having fun by the pool.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hannah the Red Gloved Monster!

Hannah loves these new gloves, our next goal is to teach her to wash the dishes (he, he).

Florida trip to visit Grandy

Hannah at the beach still trying to decide what she thinks of sand.
Hannah in her new bathing suit and hat.
Hannah found her favorite corner at Grandy's.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We Make a trip to San Francsico

In April we went to visit all our old friends in San Francisco and to show Hannah the city that we lived in and loved. We saw some great views and great friends.

We visited the Yonge's in Their New Home

We got to visit our good friends who moved from the Bay Area to a beautiful area in northern California. Hannah had so much fun with Cooper and Isabella

A visit to Stow Lake

While we were in SF we visitied Golden Gate Park on a beautiful SF day. We walked around Stow Park and fed the ducks

We visit old friends in San Francisco

We had so much seeing old friends and introducing Hannah to them. We stayed with Jeff and Jen and got to meet their son Noah

Hannah wears mama's dress

Hannah fit perfectly into one of my dresses that I wore when I was little. It is extra special because Grammy sewed it for me.


We spent Easter at Rosanne's. Hannah was all dressed up in her Easter dress and wasn't shy about it.

Mimi, Papa, and Gigi visit

We were fortunate to have Mimi, Papa, and Gigi come for a visit from Missouri. They came in time to see Horton the weekend it came out. Hannah had a great time during their visit.