Friday, January 30, 2009

Hannah update

Hannah is Daddy's girl these days! I love seeing them interact. Scott is fantastic with her! It is hard these days for to get Daddy time because Scott is in heavy crunch at work. When we can't see him all day we are able to talk to him on the computer and on the phone. She makes sure to tell him, "I love you, Daddy, and I miss you, Daddy". However, When he gets home, she loves her special daddy time. Bath time has become her new favorite thing to do. She is now in the big girl tub without the insert and she loves washing her newest waterproof Aya doll.

Hannah also loves playing "hiding" with us. Her favorite hiding spot is in the nook near our new bathroom and pantry. Scott and I love the addition for other reasons but for Hannah it is a new play area. She is talking more and more every day. She is speaking in simple sentences and cracks us up with her expression and tones. She has a new monster voice that she uses that is hysterical. She has also been putting on concerts for us by singing and playing the piano. She is so full of personality, mostly all fun and amazing, but at times challenging.

She is definitely a 2 year old! She is full of spunk and mischief. We are working on using manners rather than making demands of us and we are working on gentle touching and playing all around (with friends, Lilah, and pets). We know we will work through the present challenges so we are ready for new ones:) I keep reminding myself that we can handle anything as long as we are all healthy!

Such big girls

Ayla and Hannah have their first dinner together with out parents-such big girls!

Those silly girls! These days whatever one is doing the other follows, so if one is having a snack so is the other.

Inauguration Day!

"Yeah Obama"

Lilee in The Spotlight!

Lilah is amazing! She issuch a comfortable baby, and generally pretty happy. She is growing so fast. She is 9 weeks old and has become so much more alert. She is around 10 pounds now. She smiles all the time and coos. She definitely likes to be around people and is aware when you leave the room. Her sleeping so far is similar to Hannah at this age-no complaints. She cat naps during the day-30 min. unless we are on the go and then she sleeps longer. This week she has started sleeeping for 8 hours straight, Yeah Lilah!
Hannah for the most part is doing great with her, she shows some interest in holding her and is mostly very sweet to her. However, there have definitely been some jealous moments that we have worked through and we are practicing "gentle" touching.

"Lilee" as Hannah likes to call her (and has quickly become her nickname) is a smiler, especially for her Daddy!
Not such a smiler during baths!

Alert and ready for a walk in the snow.

Such an angel!

Our Silly Princess

Who ever said Tutus should only be worn on your waist!

Hannah the Big Sister

Hannah often asks to hold Lilah but within seconds of holding her, announces "All Done" She is still not sure of Lilah.
The holidays are exhausting!
Another attempt at holding, both sisters look a little concerned about the situation.

Christmas Morning!

What better way to start Christmas morning, than with a chocolate chip cookie and a new bike!

First bottle of wine? more like new spoons from Aunt Kim.
It was so nice to have everyone there for the day long opening. We opened gifts from 9am to 2 pm!

Uncle Jas and Scott with the girls.
Our little Chef!
Mimi, Papa and Lilah!
Lilah and Mimi have smiling exchanges, her first real smile-what a great gift!

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we went to Aunt Kris's family's house which was nice since we usually miss their traditions when we are in MO.

It was nice for Mimi and Papa to see the NJ traditional Christmas
Mimi and Papa soaking up their last few days with baby Lilah
Of course Hannah loved being the center of attention! Uncle Jas and Hannah often go flying together.
Hannah and Aunt Kris are especially bonded these days.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hannah Turns Two!

Ama got her the kitchen for her birthday and she loves cooking in it!

She was able to blow them all out by herself!
Fortunately Papa and Mimi, were here to celebrate-a real treat! Ama and Grandpa Ed couldn't make it that night because of the big snow storm.
Hannah first celebrated on her actual birthday- Cake #1

Hannah's 1st Snow 2008

Hannah made a quick recovery from Mono and was even ready to play in the first snow of the season. Of course, Ama was there to join her in the snow!
She hasn't yet decided if she is so keen on wearing gloves.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A big Scare

Before I start this post let me start by saying everyone is okay and healthy! Thank God!

Soon after we brought Lilah home from the hospital, Hannah seemed to be getting sick with a cold, fever, etc. I started getting nervous that Lilah was going to get sick too. Little did I know that Lilah was not the one to be concerned about. After 8 days of looking paler and paler, and on and off fever and multiple visits to Grandpa Doc. we decided to investigate further and draw blood. Anyway on Dec. 12 we got the blood results and my dad became very concerned that she could have a unusual virus or Leukemia and the only way to know would be to do a bone marrow biopsy. We immediately went to Hackensack Hospital. When we met with the oncologist she felt Hannah was to weak to get a biopsy done that night and first she would need a blood transfusion At that point more tests came back that in fact showed there to be some early cancerus cells and she was diagnosed with Leukemia. That night was hell. In the morning she got the biopsy and to everyone's surprise the biopsy showed that she did not have Leukemia but some virus. The error came from some misreading from another hospital. We could not believe it but were so overjoyed with this miracle we didn't care about the error.
While we were in the hospital our friends and family showed so much love, support, and concern. Everyone's prayers worked!!!!!! Thank you to everyone!
Aunt Kris (along with Grandpa Ed, Ama, and Colleen the doula) did a great job caring for baby Lilah while we were in the hospital. It was hard being away from my 2 week old but I knew I had to be there for Hannah.
Friday night, we came home from the hospital (and thanfully Mimi and Papa arrived from Missouri) after 2 blood tranfusions. We were so thankful to be home even if Hannah was still sick. Finally on Saturday when more blood results came back we learned that what Hannah had was Mono!
These smiles were rare those first days home. Hannah is wearing a bib because her throat was so sore that she couldn't swallow and just walked around drooling because it was too painful to swallow. Finally by Tuesday after a couple of days of very high fever, Hannah bounced back and started to feel better! We feel so blessed to have 2 healthy girls. This experience definitely put life in perspective for us!

Now A Family of Four

Scott and his girls!
Me and my girls!

Lilah Avery is born!

Hannah is oficially a big sister. Lilah was born on Nov. 25th . She weighed 7 lb 11 oz. .

Lilah ready to go home from the hospital.
Before we left, Hannah came to meet her big sister, so far she gave mixed reviews. It was very hard for her to leave and go home without us.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fall Photo shoot

Last family shot as a family of 3.

She worked really hard to make that leaf blow away!
Mommy and her girl!
Blowing even harder!